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by Michelle P.

Well tonight was a really tight set...*way* tight...same # of songs (I think) but about 8 minutes faster (they started 15 mins. later). Mood was subtly different, in a good way. The band continues to play well, and Bono continues to be in good voice and I could actually hear it tonight. He talked a bit more tonight but in shorter spurts, tonight it was all a lovefest about New York. :-)

I Will Follow - did an extended Ring Those Bells riff and a variation of last night's little riff during OOC about how 20 years ago they walked these streets, then Bono reeled off all the old clubs they played. He also sang about NYC - "You changed me...thank you."

SBS - Bono once again talked briefly about the IRA pact then at the end how "proud and humbled" they are to play in the US at this time, plus a little more with was greeted with chants of USA, USA. Bono did the embrace of the American flag again.

When Will I See You Again bit - Finally heard it live! Bono knew I didn't like its omission last night. A bit more uptempo that is closer to the original than in the sound clips I've heard from previous shows, with a hint of liveliness tonight. :-)

Kite - Bono noted that his brother Norman and Norman's family was in the house tonight.

Stay - sang "just a bang and a clatter of a most extraordinary town." :-) He also takes a FDNY cap from someone in the audience and puts it on backwards. :)

Bad - Bono pulled a gal on stage, danced with her, hugged her a bit. :)

Pride - Bono once again took an American flag from the audience (after much prompting the person to give it to him!), draped it over his shoulders as he watched MLK speak on the screens.

New York - Bono kept singing I Love NY repeatedly at end. Dunno if I am *just* noticing this now or if it is new but the projections on the screens during this look like towers (as in skyscrapers)... After that he took off his jacket, as is his custom at that point, to reveal a FDNY t-shirt. (Bono's tech was also wearing one tonight I noticed).

One - Before it Bono started out with a Spinal Tap allusion and then declared NYC the capital of everything and listed some examples. Did not talk about Africa or debt or poverty at all.

Crowd was once again 10x livelier than in June! It was a fine show, still not stirring up the thrill for me of last June's shows and I wish they'd varied the setlist a wee bit more tonight, but absolutely no complaints about the performance or the mood. Great U2 as always, especially on this tour. :-)

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